e machine is designed to work in wet environments, typical of the cameras of fruit and vegetables.
The structure of the machine is galvanized steel, painted with epoxy paint in warm and with a surface treatment of high adhesion. The components of fasteners are stainless steel (hardware and closures).
All electrical components are rated IP44.
To avoid steps of preferential air, due to the lack of uniformity in the distribution of the granulate content in trays, in this machine the granular material is contained within plastic modules that will greatly facilitate its handling, while reducing the emissions of dust.
The distribution in a V-shape of the media allows putting more quantity, so that lengthening the time of replenishment, without having the payback of high energy consumption.
The machine has a particle filter.
he residence time has been increased compared to previous machines, so that the efficiency in the ethylene elimination increases, due the additional contact time with the media.